Posts for Category: Miscellaneous


Hi all, busy with a small animated banner for ZDD, so here is the original sketch doodle and then the final line work that I had to re-adjust, I will post up the colour version soon, and then the final banner

Red Lucha

Hi All
So in between working on my posters I am also trying to spice up the old blogg site a little, so here is the new artwork I am going to use for the header of the site, it will be cropped, to fit the top, but I thought I would show the artwork before I work it into the final design for the website….anyways enjoy

Old drac

Old drac

Happy Pumpkins

Happy Pumpkins…need I say more

Random photos


Hi All
Here is another weeks blast from the past with photo finds…hope you enjoy
I am off to the fleamarket on Saturday to see if I can find some more goodies to share….will keep you guys posted.

Photo fun

Hi All
Okay I have been thinking about this for some time and have finally decided I am going to start another section on my blogg called , Found Photo Shenanigans, basically what is it about?.
Its about photos I have found at flea markets, carboot sales etc, I dont know the people all I know is there is something about these images that makes them unique and beautiful, and I want to share that with everybody that loves to visit my blogg, as a bonus, I am going to be sharing my 8mm films as well, alot of these are home movies, weddings , holidays all shot in glorious 8mm, again these are from total strangers, they will take a little longer to get on the blogg beacuse I first have to transferre them digitally then edit and finally get them on the web…..but for now I wish to start off with Found Photo Shenanigans…I hope you guys enjoy this, please let me know whta you think of it….cheers


Hi All
Done this quickie in Z-Brush and then finished it off in Photoshop…hope you enjoy

Eye candy from starngers

Looky Looky
The Eye candy from starngers finally landed in my lap, and wow what a book, I was lucky enough to have two works make it into the book as well, the quality of the book and art is breathtaking, I would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a really awsome book to add to thier collection, you can order the book from here…
And there are tons more of cool books on the stores site as well, here are some pics from the eye candy book
thanks to Alberto Ruiz for making it possible
just to cover my butt I am adding this as well…..
All images are copyright © 2007, 2008 Their individual Owners, book design © 2007, 2008 Alberto Ruiz/Brandstudio Press, please don’t reproduce without permission.

Art on take-out

Here is a bonus, went to eat out with the family, so after dinner sitting there still at the restaurant I got hold of a pen and decided to decorate the polystyrene container……enjoy