Zombie Holocaust LP Cover
3 December 2014
This project was going to be for Death Waltz Records releasing a special extended soundtrack for Zombie Holocaust, bit unfortunately the project never made it to final, so I finally decided to share the cover art I did for this.
Here are the original rough comps:
Once the desired design was chosen I did the detailed pencil art:
What I then decided to do is once i scanned my original pencil art in ( as back up – in case I screw it up in this next step) I took my airbrush and sprayed some tones into the pencil art and used white paint to pop out some of the details:
Once scanned in I started the digital painting process, i worked in a sort of anti clockwise manner , no real reason for working like that , just happened that way. My first pass was to lay down basic colour on a multiply layer , once that was done i moved onto painting in all the details:
And final colour balanced piece ….
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